How Black Girls Chew Gum: Everything You Need To Know!

Several funny videos on social media depict how black people chew gum. There is no intention to cause harm with these videos, but only to have fun. There’s also another side to this phenomenon where people treat it as a stereotype.

There are also stories where black high school girls are sent out of class or punished for the way they chew gum in class. Some people point out that the way black girls chew gum is “bushy” and ‘non-classy’.

In 1987, the Washington Post released a letter that denounced federal workers who popped gum while they worked. The act was described as ‘unprofessional’ and ‘distracting’ and must be banned.

How exactly do black girls chew gum? Are black girls the only ones who chew gum that way? Is there a right way to chew gum? What are the benefits of chewing gum in the first place? 

These are some questions that may pop up when we contemplate this topic. This article provides answers to these questions and furnishes these answers with all the details you need to know.

Is There a Correct Way to Chew Gum?

According to the internet and popular opinion, or shall we say stereotype, black girls chew loudly, blow bubbles when chewing, and pop the gum when chewing as well. The opinion emphasizes black girls chew gum with some sort of funny attitude; as though attracting attention. While some people find the way black girls chew gum funny, others also find it annoying. 

You may be wondering whether black girls are the only ones who chew gum in an ‘awkward’ way. The answer is a big NO. 

While black girls may be the majority of people who awkwardly chew gum, this is not the case. Anyone can chew gum anyhow or any way they want, regardless of their race. 

So it is wrong to associate black girls with a unique way of chewing gum.

You may also be curious about the correct way to chew gum. Well, according to dentists and etiquette instructors, the following are the correct ways of chewing gum:

1. Keep Your Mouth Closed When Chewing.

Generally, it’s good etiquette to chew food with your mouth closed; the same applies to chewing gum. Chewing gum with your mouth open, especially in public, makes you look weird. and boorish. As much as possible, avoid it. 

2. Blowing Bubbles

It’s okay to blow bubbles with your gum; however, it’s not right to do it in public spaces.

3. Don’t Chew Loudly, Especially When You’re in Public.

Chewing gum loudly is usually regarded as discourteous. In some cultures, such people are seen as whores. It’s good etiquette to chew gum quietly, especially when you’re in public. 

It’s better to chew smaller gums than bigger ones since it’s much easier to chew quietly than bigger gums.

4. Chew Gum on Both Sides of Your Teeth. 

Chewing gum on both sides of your teeth prevents one side from getting tired of the repetitive chewing motion. Draw your gums to the front of your mouth on occasion to work your biting teeth. 

5. Dispose of Gum Properly 

Always remember to dispose of your gum properly. Wrap your gum in a piece of paper or tissue and properly dispose of it when you’re done chewing. Don’t put it around your ear, hand, or under a table.

6. Try Not To Swallow Gum

Although not harmful, try not to swallow your gum. It’s quite widely speculated chewing gum stays in your stomach for a long time before it digests. This isn’t true. 

Although your gum will not digest when you mistakenly swallow it, it doesn’t stay long in your stomach. It passes through your digestive system relatively undamaged and excretes in your stool.

You can always have fun with your gum. However, you need to take into consideration your environment, that’s, whether you’re in public or not.

What Are the Benefits of Chewing Gum?

Chewing gum has been around for a very long time. It originated with the Mayans and the Aztecs. The original form of gum came in the form of chicle, a resin extracted from sapodilla trees in southern Mexico and Central America. 

The Mayans and Aztecs created a chewable substance from the resin they collected. They dry the chewable substance, which quenches your thirst and staves off hunger. Besides, chewing gum was also used as a breath freshener. 

There are also stories of chewing gum originating from the ancient Greeks and other parts of the world. European settlers also adopted and profited from the practice.

Although chewing gum is a widely accepted practice, some people view the practice in public as socially unacceptable. Others view men who chew gum publicly as feminine. 

This belief stems from the past. Others also find it annoying when people chew gum publicly. For a lady, chewing gum in public is considered ‘unladylike’ by some people.

Whatever your beliefs may be, it’s important to know that people chew gum for various reasons. Chewing gum also has health benefits, according to dentists. Below are some of the benefits:

1. Chewing Gum Helps You Stay Alert, Even When You’re Tired.

Chewing gum helps reduce stress and boosts anti-anxiety benefits. Researchers in a study found that Participants who chewed gum frequently and for a longer period reported feeling less stressed than those who didn’t.

2. Chewing Gum Also Helps You Burn Calories. 

According to research, an hour of chewing gum burns 11 calories.  If you chew gum for 4 hours every day, you’ll burn 308 calories every week. Experts say burning calories can help you lose weight; however, you need to remember that fruit-flavored gum may contain acid and may not be good for your teeth.

3. Chewing Gum Can Reduce Stress and Boost Memory. 

According to studies, chewing gum can enhance a variety of brain functions, such as decision-making, comprehension, memory, and attentiveness. 

4. Chewing Gum Could Help You Lose Weight. 

There are various studies on this. Some studies suggest that chewing gum could reduce your appetite, which could help you avoid overeating. Other studies also contradict this by saying chewing gum doesn’t affect appetite. 

5. Chewing Gum Could Help Protect Your Teeth And Reduce Bad Breath.  

Spices, onions, and other strong-smelling foods can leave an unpleasant taste in your mouth and a bad stench in your nostrils. Minty gums can assist in covering bad breath quickly. 

Also, chewing gum protects your teeth from cavities and increases the flow of saliva in the mouth, especially after a meal. It helps wash away harmful food debris, which feeds bacteria in your mouth.

Now It’s Your Turn

The article explains that people make funny videos about how black people chew gum, but while they are for fun, it does not change the fact that they are stereotypes. Many people chew gum awkwardly, not just ‘black girls.’ 

Any person, regardless of their race, can chew anyway. There’s a need for us to put a stop to these stereotypes. Although funny, pushing it further may have repercussions in the future.

What are your experiences with chewing gum?